ClickCease Shipping



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We can ship virtually to any address and offer free rug delivery* with one of our Courier partners.

Please be aware we can sometimes experience slightly longer delays to some Northern Territory, Western Australian & QLD locations.

We normally process all orders within 5 - 8 business days and will then have your order delivered out to you with one of our courier partners. If an order is cancelled whilst in transit with the courier company, we will need the rug returned back to us before we process any refund. Once you have made your purchase you will receive a tracking number so you can track your package.

*Please note for all custom cut runners a delivery fee is applied to your order in the checkout window.

*Please note free shipping for rugs to NT, WA and TAS is NOT available.  A delivery fee will be added to your order in the checkout window.

Additionally some remote and hard to get to locations within  SA, NSW, VIC and QLD  will incur a delivery charge which we will contact you about after your order has been placed. You will then have the option to pay the additional amount, or accept a full refund.

Weight-based freight fee - in some instances, due to the heavy nature of some of our products and to account for the increase in shipping costs associated with heavy items a fee may be added to your order. This will be applied at the checkout.


We currently do not ship outside of Australia.